We believe tithe is a biblical principle of discipline, obedience and of worship (Mal 3:10). Our Lord loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7). You can give by following this link (check the fund box), mailing in a check to our PO Box, or give at your convenience in the back of the sanctuary. We thank you for your generosity and faithfulness as we look to reach this world for Jesus!
Washington Nazarene
PO Box 751
Washington, IN 47501

Designated Funds
What are they? These are funds some choose to donate to above their normal tithes and offerings to benefit a specific ministry within the church. Faith Promise looks to fund mission work around the world and you can find details of how we fund our mission work here.
We also have funds for a sign campaign that we will look to purchase a digital sign to go on the newly renovated intersection.
The last giving project is called the Manger Fund. We use this fund to randomly bless people with groceries during the holidays. We look to expand its reach to include a back to school event in the future.
All designated funds must be specified when given or they will be added to our genneral fund.
Thank you for your continued generosity!