Who we are

Rev. Darrell Sellers II
Lead Pastor
Just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary wife and kids serving an extra special people. I followed His call on my life after procrastinating over 30 years. If you would have told me I would be a pastor, I would have openly laughed while that voice inside my head would be saying "I told you so."
I started my pastoral ministry in Pensacola as the Children and Families Pastor. I was stretched in ways beyond my imagination as my mentors and Savior molded me and continue to do so. I finished the coursework for ordination at Nazarene Bible College and was ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 2021. I am honored to have a front row seat as I get to see what God is doing in the lives of His people here in Washington and around the world through our digital services! I truly enjoy digging into The Word as the truth is always revealed to me each time I pick it up.
I love to fish, cook over hot coals I have become a little bit of a coffee snob! I would love to sit and have cup of coffee with you! Stop on by and chat!

Don Paul Moore
Worship Leader
I am a grateful believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and I love the daily fellowship I have with Him. As a lifelong musician God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve as the worship minister at Washington Nazarene since  January of 2020.
My wife Julie and I have been married for 31 plus years. We have 3 kids and 6 grandchildren. I have some hobbies such as martial arts, the study of  history, and current events. However, my favorite hobby is studying, and being fascinated by God's timeless word, the Bible. I have been blessed beyond belief. To God be all the glory!